Six-Word Memoir

There's truly no place like home

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New Jersey communities tend to live under the shadow of New York City. It helps remind the residents that greater opportunities are out there and because of this I remember growing up and moving away from home was all anyone could talk about in high school. I was one of the lucky few who was fortunate enough to stick with their plans and at 17 years old I enlisted in the military. I bounced around from state to state and have lived everywhere from Mississippi to California. I experienced city-life while living in the Washington DC area for a few years and ultimately, when it was time to return to college I chose here in San Diego (to get out of the cold weather). Now at 24 years old, I learned that through all the moving and traveling, I always end up home at least once a year. As life evolves and becomes more complex I realize the same eagerness that drove me to leave home when I was younger gets replaced by a sense of comfort and familiarity whenever I do get to visit.


  1. Nice post, Felix. I left home at age 18 and moved to San Diego from Colorado. For about the first 15 or 20 years, I got a sense of "ahhhh" whenever I drove home and could see the Rocky Mountains. I don't know, "comfort and familiarity" were part of it, as you say. There really is no place like home.

    Somewhere along the way, here became home.

  2. Hi Felix,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I haven’t ever been to New Jersey, in fact I haven’t really ever visited anywhere on the east coast- one of these days I’ll get there! I thought your observation about how living “living under the shadow of New York City” motivated others to go out and seek opportunities, was a really interesting point! I have a lot of respect for those in our military, so thank you! I completely understand wanting a break from cold, long winters. I grew up with very cold winters in Montana, and San Diego was a pleasant change. It’s true what you said about the desire to go back to your roots, the comfort and familiarity of being home. I graduated at the start of May, and have recently moved back to Montana. I don’t know how long I will stay here but it certainly does feel good to be back with family and friends.

  3. Awesome post! I am from the East coast as well and know about the shadow that New York tends to cast on most of New England. I'm sure the weather had a lot to do with the fact you live in San Diego, I know for me it was one of the biggest contributors.


  4. Hi Felix!

    I truly agree with the six words you chose. I have lived in Orange County for 18 years, and was eager to leave and grow in a new area. Being in San Diego without my parents for almost three years has pushed me to grow independently. Even though I absolutely love the new city I live in, nothing beats being at home. Whenever I visit home I do feel that sense of comfort and familiarity. It is a feeling that only being in Orange County can give me. Your post is a great reminder to never forget where we came from and to truly cherish and value the times spent at home. Thanks for sharing!


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