Where I'm from

I’m from snow covered boardwalks.
                Unpredictable winters of New Jersey.
I’m from sandy beaches that share the sky with a thousand lights.
                The New York City skyline is viewable from many areas.
I’m from a simple but spontaneous home.
                Raised by a single mother, I grew up moving a lot.
I’m from book bags and beach towels.
                I learned good grades meant more time outside.
I’m from Sunday movie nights.
                From Super bowl sleepovers to Christmas morning presents.
I’m from a firm, but caring home.
                From strict military-trained uncles to a mother who kept them balanced.
I’m from BBQs, volleyball and “pork roll” breakfast sandwiches that never get old.

Image result for seaside heights beach


  1. Hi Felix!

    Awesome to see that you are from the East Coast. My husband who also joined the military is from there too. I have only visited the East Coast a couple of times and more towards New England. I really like the fall season out there because of the ways the leaves change. I like Boston for its diversity and architecture. I feel that the East Coast and West Coast are similar in many ways, one of them being because they are obviously located on the coast but the people are sooo much different! Haha, you probably know what I mean by this. One line that really stood out to me is that grades meant more than being outdoors. This displays to me that you are very good student and that you put a lot of time into your work.

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  3. Felix,

    This was a really fun read! I have never been to the East Coast, but I someday hope to be able to visit! Your poem really brought a good image to mind of what it was like where you're from and that is no easy task.
    Your mother seems to be amazing. The fact that she raised you on her own and also seemed to hold down the fort is inspiring! The values (like good grades) that parents help instill in us are so important, and I believe speak a lot to who we become.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, that is so crazy for me to think of being so close to the ocean and there being snow. I am a born and raised San Dieagan thus I have only seen snow a handful of times and I have to drive a few hours to see it. Your poem was easily relatable and I really feel like I was able to learn a little more about where you grew up. Great post!


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